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Laura Bachmann
Corporate Communications Expert
Telefon (Anfragen/Support):
18. September 2014

Linde Hydraulics on track to build new main plant

Linde Hydraulics GmbH and Co. KG has completed the first phase of building a their new ultra-modern main plant with the completion of the parking garage: The new staff parking deck in Aschaffenburg provides more than 770 parking spaces on a total of 6 levels.

  • Parking deck opened with over 770 spots on six levels
  • Beginning of new manufacturing and assembly building
  • Plant to start operations in first quarter of 2016


The new parking deck of Linde Hydraulics offers more than 770 parking spaces for the employees.

The construction of the main plant is a key part of the new stand-alone strategy of Linde Hydraulics. With modern machinery and processes, and in particular greatly expanded research and development capabilities, the company’s pursuit of global innovation and successful growth.

In just a few weeks, the second phase of the project will already begin: In the area of the former parking lot, the construction of the ultra-modern new facility with 24,000 square meters of production and assembly space will get started. The required construction permission was granted in September, enabling Linde Hydraulics to begin earthmoving as early as November. In December the company expects to start the initial building construction phase. Completion is expected in the first quarter of 2016.

Dr. Steffen Appel (COO), Shaojun Sun (Supervisory Board), Dr. Jörg Ulrich (CEO, CFO) and Janfried Tirre (CSO) are glad that the construction can go ahead after the completion of the parking deck: The construction the new main plant.

“With the completion of the first phase of the project, we make a big step towards our goal of building an ultra-modern brand new factory”, said Dr. Jörg Ulrich, CEO of Linde Hydraulics. “We are really excited about starting construction on the heart of our new plant: The production and assembly hall will help Linde Hydraulics through its performance-optimized systems and processes to gain important growth momentum”.

Press contact
Laura Bachmann
Corporate Communications Expert
Telefon (Anfragen/Support):