30. April 2015

Linde Hydraulics at Agrishow 2015 in Brazil

Due to the ongoing Agrishow in Brasil, we interviewed Wilian Calil Jorge, who has been the Linde Hydraulics Sales Manager in Brazil for the past 9 years.

What is the main reason to participate and exhibit in the Agrishow 2015?
Our main focus is to reach OEM employees, to demonstrate to them the advantages of integrated drive solutions by Linde Hydraulics. We also want to promote our capabilities to support the Brazilian market directly and address end users alike by showing them the advantages in terms of operating costs that come with machines using our components. When they leave our booth we want them to remember what drives us as a company: Turning Power into Motion!

What is your personal highlight at the Linde Hydraulics booth?
Without a doubt the highlight for me is for Linde Hydraulics to supply integrated systems that are particularly suitable for the Brazilian key market: Agricultural machinery.

Which customers/applications are your main focus in Brazil?
We want to reach and add value to the manufacturers who are dedicated to our main application areas: sugar cane, grain, coffee harvesting, and cattle feed production machines. The latter is particularly driven by the growing demand in forage harvesting machines which contribute to more sustainable farming which in turn helps preserve the Brazilian rainforests.

What is Linde’s largest competitive advantage in Brazil?
Linde Hydraulics represents innovative technological solutions and therefore directly addresses an ongoing paradigm change from traditional less efficient drive philosophies towards high tech solutions. The Brazilian customers are ready for drive systems that provide them with best in class efficiency and performance and I believe that our PTO motor as well as our medium duty pump MPR50 will fill some big gaps in the current Brazilian market.

What do you focus your efforts on in the Brazilian market the most at the moment?
We promote Linde’ key benefits such as the long lifetime of products, high power density, and superior performance. During the harvesting season farmers cannot afford any downtime therefore Linde Hydraulics caters perfectly to their demand. In order to provide the best possible sales and service network we have established strong partnerships with dealers, commercial representatives, and service partners.