20. October 2020

Successful SQEP Re-Certification by Caterpillar

We are proud that we have reached a new level in Caterpillar’s SQEP certification and have now received the “Silver” status for our After Sales Business in Alzenau, Germany.
This is the second re-certification by Caterpillar in the last three years, following the successful certification in 2018.
Due to Corona, no personal delivery of the medal was possible. But we have now received it by mail and were able to complete the certificate with the new silver badge.

Caterpillar created the Supplier Quality Excellence Process (SQEP) to recognize those suppliers that demonstrate their commitment to excellence, and drive a “zero defects” culture within their organizations. Suppliers are certified through SQEP by meeting or exceeding stringent supplier performance standards, such as product quality and shipping performance, which are measured over the course of a calendar year.

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